Global X MSCI China Financials ETF
Weekly Commentary: Monetary Disorder
Home Market Outlook Today's Market Weekly Commentary: Monetary Disorder. Markets see excessively loose conditions and increasingly powerful inflationary dynamics. Doug Noland: The fundamental predicament today is Monetary Disorder, including speculation running out of control. The Bloomberg Commodities Index surged this week, boosting y-t-d gains.
Seeking Alpha · 05/20 09:47
Asia-Pacific markets advance, tracking global peers higher; PBOC stands pat during May fixing
Seeking Alpha · 05/20 07:29
Asia-Pacific markets mixed as traders react to mixed activity data in China
Seeking Alpha · 05/17 08:03
China announces major rescue measures for housing market
Seeking Alpha · 05/17 07:54
Sweden's Rate Cut Heightens Anticipation For The ECB And Fed
Sweden's Rate Cut Heightens Anticipation For The ECB And Fed. Sweden's Riksbank cut rates before the US Federal Reserve. The move shows central banks aren't waiting for the Fed to cut rates. Positive economic signs are emerging in Europe and China. More shipping disruptions in the Red Sea could impact inflation.
Seeking Alpha · 05/16 16:30
Seeking Sentiment: SA users weigh in on Sino-U.S. ties as Putin visits Xi
Seeking Alpha · 05/16 10:25
Asia-Pacific markets advance as Wall Street hits record on soft CPI data; Japan's GDP shrinks
Seeking Alpha · 05/16 07:01
Asia-Pacific markets mixed as investors digested the US PPI data; eyes on US CPI report
Seeking Alpha · 05/15 07:15

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