Ranger Oil Corporation
Baytex Energy: What Happens Next
Baytex Energy has completed a major acquisition and must now justify it to shareholders. The acquisition of Eagle Ford properties has lowered the company's corporate breakeven due to lower operating costs. Management will compare the results of acquired Eagle Ford wells with those operated by Marathon. The additional light oil cash flow makes the expansion of Clearwater's heavy oil production safer.
Seeking Alpha · 01/20 13:04
Canadian dealmaking seen rebounding in 2024, led by energy, mining
Canadian dealmaking seen rebounding in 2024, led by energy, mining. Overall mergers and acquisitions in 2023 dropped 27% to lowest since outbreak of COVID-19. Energy, power and mining companies are expected to lead a rebound in dealmaking this year. Money markets are betting that the Bank of Canada could start cutting interest rates as early as April.
Reuters · 01/04 05:01
Pioneer Resources: Deal Killing Arguments
Seeking Alpha · 10/08/2023 09:22
Baytex Energy: Taking Advantage Of A Good Deal
Seeking Alpha · 10/04/2023 11:56
BUZZ-Baytex Energy gains as BMO upgrades on attractive valuation
Reuters · 09/29/2023 15:50

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