Invesco BulletShares 2023 HY Corp Bd ETF
Global Market Perspectives Q2 2024: What's Not To Like?
Home Market Outlook Today's Market Perspectives Q2 2024: What's Not To Like? U.S. Economy continues to grow, overshadowing other major global economies of 2023. With most other global economies still struggling, the U.s. Will remain the strongest global performer.
Seeking Alpha · 04/12 12:05
Fixed Income: No Time To Yield
Home Investing Strategy Fixed Income Analysis Fixed Income: No Time To Yield. Bond yields are higher today than they were 20 years ago. Investors are moving back into bonds in record numbers with 2023 global bond ETF inflows of $333 billion. Steve Laipply, Global co-head of iShares’ fixed income ETFs joins Oscar Pulido on The Bid.
Seeking Alpha · 04/09 18:25
IShares Spring 2024 Investment Directions
Home Investing Strategy Portfolio Strategy IShares Spring 2024 Investment Directions. The U.S. Economy has evolved largely as we anticipated in our 2024 Year Ahead Outlook. BlackRock believes the Fed will deliver three rate cuts in 2024. Inflation is still stubbornly above the Fed’s target while economic growth is slowing.
Seeking Alpha · 04/08 13:00
Credit Maturity Wall: Not As Difficult A Climb As It May Seem
Most companies are in a good position to climb the debt maturity wall relatively unscathed. A record number of bonds issued during the pandemic at very low interest rates are set to mature over the next six years. A quarter of all U.S. High-yield debt will need to be refinanced at higher rates in the next three years.
Seeking Alpha · 03/23 06:05
Junk Bond Default Surge Continues In 2024
Corporate bond defaults were up massively in 2023, especially for high-risk junk debt. The trend is continuing this year at a pace not seen since the 2008 global financial crisis. Companies selling low-rated junk debt are being hit the worst. High-interest rates and high inflation make it hard for companies to make good on their obligations.
Seeking Alpha · 03/19 18:00
Weekly Market Pulse: An Economic Overview
Home Market Outlook Economy Analysis Weekly Market Pulse: An Economic Overview. Joseph Calhoun: The evolution of the US economy has been driven by a return to "normal" The distortions of the response to COVID have had a profound impact on the economy. Real incomes have been rising robustly over the last year.
Seeking Alpha · 03/18 15:15
Where The Looming Credit Maturity Wall And The Economy Collide
Seeking Alpha · 03/16 08:55
Weekly Commentary: Q4 2023 Z.1: Bubble Confirmation
Seeking Alpha · 03/11 13:47

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