Shoucheng Holdings (00697) announced first-quarter results. Profit attributable to shareholders of approximately HK$118 million increased by about 7% year-on-year

Zhitongcaijing · 05/13 10:09

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Shoucheng Holdings (00697) announced results for the first quarter of 2024, with revenue of approximately HK$351 million, up 9.0% year on year. Profit attributable to company owners was approximately HK$118 million, an increase of about 7% over the previous year. Basic and diluted earnings per share were HK1.65 cents.

According to the announcement, the target size of the Beijing Robotics Fund, which is the group's executive partner, is RMB 10 billion. It has taken the lead in completing a number of investments in the first quarter of 2024, covering various robot segments such as physical intelligence, brain-computer interfaces, bionic robots, and medical robots. In the future, the Group will make full use of the industry's resource advantages, discover high-quality enterprises, grow together with the real industry and empower it for a long time, and help build a new engine of new quality productivity in Beijing. The Group believes that the more it contributes to society, the greater its long-term benefits. Another of the Group's target size is the Sunshine First Urban Development Fund, which was set up in cooperation with strategic shareholder Sunshine Insurance Group Co., Ltd. at the end of 2023. It has already identified a number of reserve projects.

Thanks to customer recognition of the Group's asset operation and asset financing capabilities, the Group established deep cooperative relationships with large central state-owned enterprises, local governments and platform companies in the first quarter of 2024, relying on the company-level network format expansion model of “regional and strategic account manager+product manager+rapid support from large, medium and Taiwan”. In the future, the Group will focus on infrastructure asset revitalization, REITs fund investment and operation, park collaboration, in-depth cooperation in parking business, etc., to achieve mutual benefit and win-win situation with partners, and further expand practical cooperation in fields including strategic industrial investment and financing, smart mobility, and urban ecological operation vigorously promoted by the country.