Ag leader says phosphate, potash should be on Critical Minerals list

Barchart · 06/04/2024 15:14
Ag leader says phosphate, potash should be on Critical Minerals list

An agriculture leader says phosphate and potash need to be added to the U.S. Critical Minerals List.

Corey Rosenbusch is President and CEO of The Fertilizer Institute.  He told the House Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources Tuesday the U.S. Geological Survey requires critical minerals to be essential to the economic or national security of the U.S. and have supply chain vulnerabilities. “In 2022, both minerals were left off the list. We must note that in 2022, that list was released two days prior to Russia invading Ukraine.”

Rosenbusch told a House Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee Tuesday geopolitical events and supply chain disruptions spiked fertilizer prices up to 300 percent because most of it comes from overseas.
