With the explosion of artificial intelligence, Anguilla, a small Caribbean island with the “.ai” domain name, earned 32 million US dollars in 2023 by selling “.ai” domain names, or about RMB 228 million. In addition to registering domain names, when companies sell expired domain names, the local government also receives a certain amount of compensation, and the transaction price of some websites can reach tens of thousands of dollars. Also, for the duration of the website, you will also incur maintenance fees for the domain name every year.

Zhitongcaijing · 10/16/2024 08:49
With the explosion of artificial intelligence, Anguilla, a small Caribbean island with the “.ai” domain name, earned 32 million US dollars in 2023 by selling “.ai” domain names, or about RMB 228 million. In addition to registering domain names, when companies sell expired domain names, the local government also receives a certain amount of compensation, and the transaction price of some websites can reach tens of thousands of dollars. Also, for the duration of the website, you will also incur maintenance fees for the domain name every year.