According to the Zhitong Finance App, L'OCCITANE (00973.HK) and the offender L'Occitane Holding S.A., jointly announced that on August 7, 2024, the offeror will send mandatory takeover notices to all remaining share holders (remaining holders). The notice period for remaining holders to object to the compulsory takeover notice in a court with competent jurisdiction in Hong Kong or Luxembourg expires on October 8, 2024 (i.e. notice deadline). According to a search of the relevant courts in Hong Kong, no application against the compulsory takeover notice has been filed with the competent court in Hong Kong. In Luxembourg, no subpoena or ex parte order against a forced takeover notice was served at the offender's registered office or Hong Kong address designated by the offeror (according to section 66 of the new Luxembourg Code of Civil Procedure). Since no application against the compulsory takeover notice was filed before the notice deadline, the offeror has to acquire the remaining shares in accordance with the terms of the compulsory acquisition notice.

Zhitongcaijing · 10/15/2024 09:09
According to the Zhitong Finance App, L'OCCITANE (00973.HK) and the offender L'Occitane Holding S.A., jointly announced that on August 7, 2024, the offeror will send mandatory takeover notices to all remaining share holders (remaining holders). The notice period for remaining holders to object to the compulsory takeover notice in a court with competent jurisdiction in Hong Kong or Luxembourg expires on October 8, 2024 (i.e. notice deadline). According to a search of the relevant courts in Hong Kong, no application against the compulsory takeover notice has been filed with the competent court in Hong Kong. In Luxembourg, no subpoena or ex parte order against a forced takeover notice was served at the offender's registered office or Hong Kong address designated by the offeror (according to section 66 of the new Luxembourg Code of Civil Procedure). Since no application against the compulsory takeover notice was filed before the notice deadline, the offeror has to acquire the remaining shares in accordance with the terms of the compulsory acquisition notice.