Offshore RMB was 7.0900 yuan against the US dollar at 04:59 Beijing time, up 43 points from the end of Thursday in New York. Overall intraday trading was in the 7.0978-7.0710 yuan range, a record high since June 2, 2023 at 15:39. It reached a high of 6.9927 yuan on May 17 of that year, with a cumulative increase of 1,366 points in August.

Zhitongcaijing · 08/30/2024 21:25
Offshore RMB was 7.0900 yuan against the US dollar at 04:59 Beijing time, up 43 points from the end of Thursday in New York. Overall intraday trading was in the 7.0978-7.0710 yuan range, a record high since June 2, 2023 at 15:39. It reached a high of 6.9927 yuan on May 17 of that year, with a cumulative increase of 1,366 points in August.