Zhitong Finance App News, Fehringer (603226.SH) issued an announcement. On January 7, 2025, the company received a notice from its wholly-owned subsidiary enterprise development company. After friendly agreement with Shanghai South Hongqiao, it has signed the “Termination Agreement on Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement for the Project of the Fielinger Home Furnishing Asia Pacific Research Center” with Shanghai South Hongqiao.

Zhitongcaijing · 6d ago
Zhitong Finance App News, Fehringer (603226.SH) issued an announcement. On January 7, 2025, the company received a notice from its wholly-owned subsidiary enterprise development company. After friendly agreement with Shanghai South Hongqiao, it has signed the “Termination Agreement on Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement for the Project of the Fielinger Home Furnishing Asia Pacific Research Center” with Shanghai South Hongqiao.