Insider Purchase: 10% owner at $MIO (MIO) Buys 6,375 Shares

Barchart · 11/26 04:00

Capital Management, L.P. Saba, a 10% owner of $MIO ($MIO), bought 6,375 shares of the company on 11-22-2024. This trade was reported by Quiver Quantitative using data from a recent SEC filing. This increased their holdings by approximately 0.3%. Following this trade, they now own 1,903,199 shares of $MIO stock.

$MIO Insider Trading Activity

$MIO insiders have traded $MIO stock on the open market 21 times in the past 6 months. Of those trades, 21 have been purchases and 0 have been sales.

Here’s a breakdown of recent trading of $MIO stock by insiders over the last 6 months:

  • CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, L.P. SABA has traded it 21 times. They made 21 purchases, buying 168,484 shares and 0 sales.

To track insider transactions, check out Quiver Quantitative's insider trading dashboard.

$MIO Hedge Fund Activity

We have seen 17 institutional investors add shares of $MIO stock to their portfolio, and 22 decrease their positions in their most recent quarter.

Here are some of the largest recent moves:

To track hedge funds' stock portfolios, check out Quiver Quantitative's institutional holdings dashboard.

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