The Ukrainian military said that from the evening of November 25 to the morning of the 26th local time, the Russian military launched a total of 188 drones into Ukraine, “the highest since the conflict.” According to the Ukrainian military, the Ukrainian military's air defense system only shot down 76 of them, probably due to electronic warfare interference. The governor of Ukraine's western Ternopil region said that Russian attacks on its critical infrastructure cut off 70% of the state's electricity.

Zhitongcaijing · 11/26 07:57
The Ukrainian military said that from the evening of November 25 to the morning of the 26th local time, the Russian military launched a total of 188 drones into Ukraine, “the highest since the conflict.” According to the Ukrainian military, the Ukrainian military's air defense system only shot down 76 of them, probably due to electronic warfare interference. The governor of Ukraine's western Ternopil region said that Russian attacks on its critical infrastructure cut off 70% of the state's electricity.