The China Open recently launched. What are the economic benefits of such a large-scale sporting event that has received a lot of attention? In terms of sponsor amounts, in 2018, the sponsorship thresholds for China Open's chief sponsor, diamond sponsor, and platinum sponsor were 40 million yuan, 20 million yuan, and 10 million yuan respectively, while the amount of exclusive partner and supplier sponsorship was 3 million yuan and 800,000 yuan respectively. Based on this “minimum threshold”, Zhongxin Jingwei estimated that in 2018, China Open's revenue from sponsors alone reached 180 million yuan.

Zhitongcaijing · 09/28/2024 10:41
The China Open recently launched. What are the economic benefits of such a large-scale sporting event that has received a lot of attention? In terms of sponsor amounts, in 2018, the sponsorship thresholds for China Open's chief sponsor, diamond sponsor, and platinum sponsor were 40 million yuan, 20 million yuan, and 10 million yuan respectively, while the amount of exclusive partner and supplier sponsorship was 3 million yuan and 800,000 yuan respectively. Based on this “minimum threshold”, Zhongxin Jingwei estimated that in 2018, China Open's revenue from sponsors alone reached 180 million yuan.