On Friday, the S&P 500 index opened high and went low. It fell to a new daily low of 5581.79 points at 00:37 Beijing time, then rebounded. It reached a new high of 5651.37 points at 03:59, and finally closed near this level, approaching the all-time high of 566.7.20 points set on July 16. The 11 sectors of the S&P 500 index closed higher across the board. The optional consumer sector closed up 1.92%, the industrial, information technology/technology, and raw materials sectors rose up as much as 1.11%, the real estate and finance sector rose more than 0.9%, the telecommunications sector rose more than 0.8%, and the energy sector showed the worst performance with an increase of less than 0.3%.

Zhitongcaijing · 08/30 20:41
On Friday, the S&P 500 index opened high and went low. It fell to a new daily low of 5581.79 points at 00:37 Beijing time, then rebounded. It reached a new high of 5651.37 points at 03:59, and finally closed near this level, approaching the all-time high of 566.7.20 points set on July 16. The 11 sectors of the S&P 500 index closed higher across the board. The optional consumer sector closed up 1.92%, the industrial, information technology/technology, and raw materials sectors rose up as much as 1.11%, the real estate and finance sector rose more than 0.9%, the telecommunications sector rose more than 0.8%, and the energy sector showed the worst performance with an increase of less than 0.3%.